[arm-allstar] Dosbox/GM300 problem....

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Sun Apr 7 12:15:11 EDT 2024

This repeater builder page explains some of the nuances for using 
MaxTrac's, MaraTrac's, etc., in the ham bands.  Still looking for the ebay 


73, David K4FXC

On Sun, 7 Apr 2024, David McGough via ARM-allstar wrote:

> Hi Bob,
> You've got to have the correct RSS software for the exact firmware version
> of radio you're using.
> The main point by providing the HamVoIP DOSBox solution was to allow users
> to program these radios without needing to find an old, slow DOS
> computer---which is becoming increasing difficult.  I've found this
> solution works extremely well for programming most radios that need a DOS
> computer.
> The programming software list isn't exhaustive by any means!!! It mainly
> represents the tools I needed to program various radios I've had.  There
> are many other RSS versions out there.  If they're DOS software, just load
> them into the /dosprogs/<new software> folder on the RPi (I use WinSCP),
> where <new software> is a folder you've made for the new applications.
> Note that you'll need a patched radio EPROM for some (most?) MaxTrac's, 
> MaraTrac's, etc., programmed into the ham hands---their PA output level 
> settings are all screwed up.  For example, I once programmed an unmodified 
> VHF-Hi Maratrac I got off ebay and it had 180+ watts output!  Once I 
> installed the patched EPROM, it was again fine, back in the 110W range.
> There was a source of pre-programmed EPROMs on ebay.  I'll try to find the 
> link.  There are MANY sources of RSS software out there, also from ebay, 
> etc. I can help you find them.
> 73, David K4FXC
> On Sun, 7 Apr 2024, Jah Rastafari via ARM-allstar wrote:
> > I tried out the old Motorola radio programming package recently and for the
> > most part it's awesome EXCEPT two problems I'm unable to overcome on my
> > own; hopefully someone
> > else has seen them.
> > 
> > 1) Not able to talk to any GM300 radios with either version of the RSS
> > includes (v4/5).
> > The RSS throws OPcode #7 error when I try to read any GM300s; the terminal
> > window
> > complains about a wrong baud rate.
> > 
> > 2) Able to program every Maxtrac i've thrown at it; however the tuning
> > section seems
> > all screwed up. I can toggle PTT, adjust the reference oscillator, etc. but
> > reading deviation
> > is nuts (0.1 KHz!) and setting power is even worse: radios originally read
> > around 1w. I've adjusted
> > (I thought) successfully to 25w but when I get out of the RSS the (VHF)
> > Maxtracs show 70-80
> > watts! WTF?! I'm afraid to use them lest I start a fire...
> > 
> > Anybody seen/know anything about this behavior?
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > Bob
> > KK6RQ
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