[arm-allstar] Dosbox/GM300 problem....

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Sun Apr 7 11:59:50 EDT 2024

Hi Bob,

You've got to have the correct RSS software for the exact firmware version
of radio you're using.

The main point by providing the HamVoIP DOSBox solution was to allow users
to program these radios without needing to find an old, slow DOS
computer---which is becoming increasing difficult.  I've found this
solution works extremely well for programming most radios that need a DOS

The programming software list isn't exhaustive by any means!!! It mainly
represents the tools I needed to program various radios I've had.  There
are many other RSS versions out there.  If they're DOS software, just load
them into the /dosprogs/<new software> folder on the RPi (I use WinSCP),
where <new software> is a folder you've made for the new applications.

Note that you'll need a patched radio EPROM for some (most?) MaxTrac's, 
MaraTrac's, etc., programmed into the ham hands---their PA output level 
settings are all screwed up.  For example, I once programmed an unmodified 
VHF-Hi Maratrac I got off ebay and it had 180+ watts output!  Once I 
installed the patched EPROM, it was again fine, back in the 110W range.

There was a source of pre-programmed EPROMs on ebay.  I'll try to find the 
link.  There are MANY sources of RSS software out there, also from ebay, 
etc. I can help you find them.

73, David K4FXC

On Sun, 7 Apr 2024, Jah Rastafari via ARM-allstar wrote:

> I tried out the old Motorola radio programming package recently and for the
> most part it's awesome EXCEPT two problems I'm unable to overcome on my
> own; hopefully someone
> else has seen them.
> 1) Not able to talk to any GM300 radios with either version of the RSS
> includes (v4/5).
> The RSS throws OPcode #7 error when I try to read any GM300s; the terminal
> window
> complains about a wrong baud rate.
> 2) Able to program every Maxtrac i've thrown at it; however the tuning
> section seems
> all screwed up. I can toggle PTT, adjust the reference oscillator, etc. but
> reading deviation
> is nuts (0.1 KHz!) and setting power is even worse: radios originally read
> around 1w. I've adjusted
> (I thought) successfully to 25w but when I get out of the RSS the (VHF)
> Maxtracs show 70-80
> watts! WTF?! I'm afraid to use them lest I start a fire...
> Anybody seen/know anything about this behavior?
> Thanks.
> Bob
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