[arm-allstar] Audio from [USB] to be transmitted on [usb1]

Michael Webb mike.wg5eek at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 16:37:40 EDT 2023

Why couldn't you just link both nodes in Supermon?  Or am I missing

On Fri, Jun 23, 2023, 11:15 AM Josh Hatton via ARM-allstar <
arm-allstar at hamvoip.org> wrote:

> Good morning,
> Linking from one repeater to another,  directly to the far side machine's
> input. Link radio receives far side repeater output.  Half duplex. Not a
> dedicated link freq. Two USB interfaces...
> How would I get all audio that's transmitted on the nearside repeater to be
> heard on link transmit, consequently be heard on the far side repeater?
> That is, any recorded audio announcements, iax phone connection
> announcements, top of our ID, etc.
> In a perfect world, such a configuration would not have the courtesy beep
> and tail... Of course we will take what we can get!
> SimpleUSB operating scenario
> Node12345 = USB stanza
> node1999 = USB1 stanza
> Tnx
> Josh W4ZZK
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