[arm-allstar] linkunkeyct on sip extension

Patrick Perdue borrisinabox at gmail.com
Sun Jun 4 20:06:10 EDT 2023


If you connect a SIP/IAX phone directly to a node, you will, in fact, 
not get a courtesy tone over the air when you unkey. If you want this to 
happen, attach the SIP/IAX connection to a private node, then connect 
that to the public node. This is safer/gives you a little more control 
of things anyhow.

On 6/4/2023 4:36 PM, Danny K5CG via ARM-allstar wrote:
> I've decided to connect up a VoIP phone again to my node and I thought that when I had this working previously and I would use *99 and # for PTT control, there was a courtesy tone that went out over the air.
> It is not doing that now, so maybe I am misremembering.
> It does however send a courtesy tone when a linked node unkeys (or dvswitch - any IAX connection).
> Please set me straight on this function, or if you have any idea what might be set incorrectly, let me know.
> Thanks
> 73
> Danny, K5CG
> Node 480361
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