[arm-allstar] 2ND Post - THANK YOU

Steve Bosshard (NU5D) bosshard at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 08:26:37 EST 2022

A big Thank You to the several folks with helpful information.  Best I 
can tell, the culprit was in the Alstarlink node password.

I entered the correct password but somewhere along the way, the lower 
case password became UPPER CASE.....  abc3 => ABC3 - not the same.

register => 559820:passwordhere at register.allstarlink.org 
<mailto:559820%3Apasswordhere at register.allstarlink.org>

register => 559821:passwordhere at register.allstarlink.org 
<mailto:559821%3Apasswordhere at register.allstarlink.org>

Knowing how things are supposed to act (REG YES) on the web site would 
be a good pointer.

For a newbee like myself, it would be helpful to know that I do not need 
a VPN or Static IP to get the software to work.  (One YouTube talking 
about public IP visibility (Supermon)  in one of the conf files made me 
think my appliance / Pi-3, had to be visible to the outside world).
Even before that, however, (political can of worms coming) - I am a 
complete newbee - I had no idea that (so it appears) there are two 
different software platforms, and perhaps (hang on here) political 
parties - imagine that.    A raspbian and an arch linux based 
system...    I did not find this out until I tried to use Zero Tier and 
the arch linux commands for installing a package differ from the 
raspbian commands that I was familiar with.  Zero Tier works great for 
remote access of my DMR Dashboards in different somewhat distant towns...

I discovered this (2 platforms) by accident.  Also, acronyms without a 
glossary - I really had no idea what a BBB (better business bureau) 
installation might be, or a cherry (SHARI) or BRIAN.   As an old GE guy 
I know lots about LBI's (Lynchburg Books of Instruction) and MOM PC's 
(Monitor Module) and GETCs (getsies) GE Trunking Controllers in an EDACS 
(enhanced digital access communications system) installation ....     
And just imagine reading the Simple USB setup, v to view the interface 
status, COS, CTCSS and PTT, then right before v "then skipto step 
VII-E-10"     Great instructions but I had no idea (3 pages prior) that 
Roman Numerals were in the mix.  (HEADERS and FOOTERS?)  All simple 
stuff and lots of _*truly great info*_, but for one dumb ham (me), it 
got overwhelming pretty quickly.

So, no rant, no complaint, truly a big Thank You for the assist, and I 
am willing to share my ignorance (somehow sharing ignorance does not 
sound right in an information forum) to maybe help the next fellow ham 
get going.  73 steve nu5d


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