[arm-allstar] weird issue with alinco dr-135

Michael Taboada michael at michaels.world
Fri Apr 17 13:38:11 EDT 2020

Actually it is set to usbinvert. Here's a copy of the menu settings:

Active simpleusb device stanza: [usb] ------------------------------------
S) Select active USB device stanza
V) View COS, CTCSS and PTT Telemetry using real-time display
P) Print Current Parameter Values ---- 2) Set Rx Voice Level (using display)
3) Set Transmit A Level           ---- 4) Set Transmit B Level
5) Set Tx Audio Level Method (currently LOG)
7) Set Transmit DSP Level
B) Toggle RX Boost Mode (currently Enabled)
C) Toggle Echo Mode (currently Disabled)
D) Flash (Toggle PTT and Tone output several times)
E) Toggle Transmit Test Tone/Keying (currently Disabled)
K) Manually key COS (currently Unkeyed)
F) Toggle PRE-emphasis Mode (currently Disabled)
G) Toggle DE-emphasis Mode (currently Disabled)
H) Toggle PLfilter Mode (currently Enabled)
Q) Toggle DCSfilter Mode (currently Disabled)
I) Toggle PTT Mode (currently active LOW)
J) Change COSFROM Mode (currently "usbinvert")
L) Change CTCSSFROM Mode (currently "no")
M) Change RXONDELAY value (currently "0")
N) Change RXAUDIODELAY value (currently "0")
W) Write (Save) Current Parameter Values
0) Exit Menu

Please enter your selection now:

The weird thing is that it's like it triggers the radio for a small amount of a second, because if I key up for maybe two seconds and then let go of my key, I hear the end of the auto id. It's like it notifies that it has a signal and immediately stops sending data or something. Still looking at stuff. The problematic part is that I'm blind, so I can't actually see what's on the screen, I kind of just have to trial and error once I get some kind of info about what button is what. Basically I'm building a text file of button presses for settings, so if I mess anything up I can reset the radio and run through that proceedure heh.

On a side note, there isn't anything needed to tell the radio to send data over the de9 connector is there? It *does* transmit, but receiving seems to be the weird part.


On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 12:29:36PM -0400, "Doug Crompton via ARM-allstar" wrote:
>    It sounds like you have the COS set wrong in simpleusb-tune-menu.  The
>Alincos need  a usbinvert setting for COS - item J. I assume that is what
>that interface uses. If this is set wrong some very screwy things like you
>are observing can happen.
>*73 Doug, WA3DSP*
>*http://wa3dsp.org <http://wa3dsp.org>*
>Subject: weird issue with alinco dr-135
>I've got a raspberry pi 4b, an alinco dr-135, and an RIM alinco from
>repeater builder. I set it all up today, and it seems to *mostly* work. I'm
>just having a few weird issues. The main one I'm trying to resolve right
>now is that it seems, once someone transmits once, the radio continues
>telling the pi (or the pi thinks the radio is telling it) that the radio is
>still receiving, when it is actually not. Because of this, transmitting and
>pressing *81 doesn't (usually) receive any response, until a while later
>the pi times out the connection and the radio transmits the call and "time
>out" on top of each other. Btw, about that, any way to make asterisk not
>transmit two files on top of each other I.E. call ID and time out messages?
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