[arm-allstar] AUTOSKY Severe Weather announcements have last syllable cut off

Rick Harkins rick.harkins at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 15:23:50 EST 2019

Severe weather announcements have been working great for some time. At some
point in the last couple of months, the last 1/2 syllable of the
announcement started getting cut off about 80% of the time.

For example, we now have an 'ice storm warning'. Most times it comes out as
"ice storm warn". This happens when it runs from the cron, or if I run the
say-wx-alert.sh script manually.

I created a copy of the say-wx-alert.sh script and added an additional
silence file to the end of the announcement assembly sox command, and it
fixed the problem when I run it manually:

sox $BASEDIR/SOUNDS/silence1.wav $TMPDIR/WXA/wx-tail.wav $BASEDIR/SOUNDS
/silence1.wav $TMPDIR/tmp-tail.wav

I try to keep things up-to-date, so several updates have been done. Not
sure when this started, but it seems like the last month or so. Luckily, we
don't get warnings every day!

The hourly time and weather announcements don't have the same issue.


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