[arm-allstar] Baofeng 888 programming problem

Peter g7rpg at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 2 04:44:22 EST 2017


Are you using the 'BF-480 for BF-A & K series' software for the 888 ?


On 01/11/2017 03:43, "Doug Crompton via arm-allstar" wrote:

I want to point out that there is a potential programming problem with the
Baofeng 888 that has cropped up. On certain radios while the frequencies
can be programmed the voice prompts cannot be turned off. In a recent batch
of 20 fully 10 could not be programmed to turn off the voice prompts. There
is a selection there and it can be checked but it does not stick. It is
imperative that voice prompts be turned off if these radios are used as a
node radio (connected to the FOB) as these prompts will go out over the
air. Because of this I would recommend not buying the 888 as a node radio
at this time unless you want to take a chance that you might get one that
works. DO NOT use one as a node radio that you cannot turn the voice
prompts off. No one wants to hear that on a multi-node connected Allstar
network. A better choice at this time might be the UV82 which is a better
radio and dual band. Modification details for the UV82 are on the
hamvoip.org web page.

*73 Doug*


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