[arm-allstar] Simpleusb HELP !!

gm4upx at gb7jd.co.uk gm4upx at gb7jd.co.uk
Sun Jan 18 17:49:15 EST 2015


I am struggling with simpleusb and would appreciate some information on 
the difference between usbradio and simpleusb.
eg: if I change the CTCSSfrom and CARRIERfrom in usbradio.conf does that 
reduce the " load " on the CPU ? that seems to
be the reason to choose simpleusb over usbradio ??

Here's the setup:

I modified a Baofeng 888 as per the link [ W0FCM's Modification of a 
Baofeng BF-888s as an Allstar node ], very clear and
straightforward instructions, THANKS .. My plan is to use this in a 
mobile setup. After various attempts with simpleusb I
walked away from it after shutting everything down then returned about 
30 mins later, switched everything on and it worked,
had a contact for 40 mins or so, had a break, feeling good !, returned 
and found that I couldn't tx via the node but could

No amount of pushing and shoving could coax the node to do what I wanted 
so I returned to usbradio, set the aforementioned
parms from dsp to usb and I now have a working node.  There is some fine 
tuning still to be done. With [ rxdemod=speaker ]
and [ txctcssdefault=118.8 rxctcssfreqs=118.8 txctcssfreqs=118.8 ] I can 
access the node without any CTCSS tones.

So going back to my question how can I get simpleusb to work ??


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