[Arm-allstar-irlp] Internet & astdb.txt question

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Sun Sep 8 18:18:35 EDT 2019

In the HamVoIP firmware, the astdb.txt file is written to a RAMDISK
(tmpfs) filesystem. So, yes, this file is lost and must be re-downloaded
after reboots, etc.  You could modify the /usr/local/etc/rc.allstar and
/usr/local/sbin/astdb.php scripts to put this file in a different
spot....I'm not sure it's worth this effort, probably just being simpler
to re-download the file using astdb.php placed in the /etc/rc.local
script.  In my experience, the RPi boards seldom need to be rebooted and
my case seldom loose power, so this hasn't been a concern.

As for the repeater "going to sleep" on loss of Internet, I've not 
experienced this. In fact, I've got a couple repeaters right now without 
Internet access after Hurricane Dorian; no problems with functionality 
(other than can't connect to them via the Internet, obviously).

How is this repeater configured?  ...You could, in theory, select an 
alternate CT. But, you would need a script to detect the error condition 
and then activate the CT.

73, David KB4FXC

On Sun, 8 Sep 2019, "Corey via ARM-allstar-irlp" wrote:

> Good afternoon all,
> I've noticed a couple differences since moving over to HAMVOIP from ASL.
> Can someone point in me in the right direction?
> 1.  The /var/log/asterisk/astdb.txt file is always deleted whenever there
> is a reboot or power failure. My band-aid fix was to put a reboot cron
> entry to run astdb.php at startup. What is the proper way to stop the txt
> file from deleting during a power cycle or reboot?
> 2. I noticed the repeater seems to go into a sleep mode with no local
> control when the internet goes away. I don't recall having this issue with
> ASL. What config files do I need to modify to ensure repeater is online for
> local usage even when the internet connection fails? Is there a way to
> change the CT to indicate  the internet status?
> Thanks for your help,
> Corey
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