[Arm-allstar-irlp] MDC-1200 request

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Sat May 25 15:29:35 EDT 2019

Hi Pres,

I've been pondering ways to utilize MDC-1200 coding for a while. A big
concern is that most ham gear doesn't support it, so you're limited to
commercial radios. Now that the MDC-1200 patents have expired, perhaps ham
vendors will show more interest.

Another thought is to try DPL coding rather than CTCSS, which might
present a little more of a road block to the bootleggers.

73, David KB4FXC

On Sat, 25 May 2019, "Pres W via ARM-allstar-irlp" wrote:

> Hello. Since Allstar (and HAMVOIP) suppport MDC-1200 decoding, would
> it be possible to incorporate a valid MDC-1200 burst as a third RX
> qualifier? Meaning, without MDC-1200 the system does not pass the
> transmission through to the Allstar network? Ideally DTMF would still
> work without MDC, so as to be able to turn the feature on and off.
> Sadly, my system is attracting a lot of bootleggers and I'm
> considering taking my system off East Coast Reflector. Or even worse,
> going all digital.
> Thank you
> -Pres W2PW
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