[arm-allstar] Hamvoip as a repeater controller

Danny K5CG k5cg at hamoperator.org
Tue Apr 30 21:13:26 EDT 2024

You are correct.

rpt.conf is your friend :).

Many hamvoip nodes are repeater controllers, like mine.

As Ahrnold would say, "DOOO EEET!"

Danny, K5CG 
HH 550-000-0609 
SKCC 14257

----- Original Message -----
From: "ARM Allstar" <arm-allstar at hamvoip.org>
To: "ARM Allstar" <arm-allstar at hamvoip.org>
Cc: "Jed Barton" <jed at jedbarton.com>
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2024 1:29:45 PM
Subject: [arm-allstar] Hamvoip as a repeater controller

Hey guys.  Hope everyone is doing well.  Alright, so I may take a leap of
faith here, and try hamvoip as a repeater controller, and would love some
feedback.  I have a quantar here.  I've always used something like an arcom
or scom.  So here's my first question, I'm assuming I would adjust pretty
much everything in rpt.conf when it comes to courtesy tones, IDs, and all
of that.
I would assume when I put this in repeater mode, I can make allstar
connections like normal and all that.
If anyone can give me some words of wisdom from personal experience, that
would be great.



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