[arm-allstar] Linking repeaters

Dave Petrie wa2kjc at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 17:10:27 EDT 2024

i would use zerotier.com and create a vpn network using an ip subnet that
the same as any of the raspberry's IP's at sites you want connected to each
no port forwarding is needed and no discussion with the internet provider
is needed.
if you have more than one raspberry running at the same internet
connection, i would
use a different port in the /etc/asterisk  iax.conf, for each
raspberry,example 4569 is the default,
i have used 4562, 4565, 4567, 4580  whatever works for you and may not be
when using zerotier with no ISP port forwarding into the raspberry.
when zerotier is installed and running on any raspberry hamvoip setup and
computer of your choice, they all can talk to each other on the  zerotier
IP structure you have
chosen, has nothing to do with the ip that is being used to connect the
raspberry and
your computer to the internet outgoing.

don't think about any IP address except the new zerotier IP address you
assigned to each
raspberry and computer on the zerotier vpn network.
example using firefox browser using my zerotier network i made:
or putty, Host Name or IP Address,  Port 222
or winSCP Host Name  Port 222
of course you change the zerotier assigned IP depending on which remote
raspberry you want to connect to.
remote desktop works fine as well if you have a computer running at the
remote site
with zerotier loaded and working.
you will most likely have to add each zerotier ip for each node in each
nodes /etc/asterisk/ rpt.conf
at the bottom so they all know each others zerotier IP path, and if they
are private nodes they can't
be the same node number.
example, the 1998 gets changed to your node number and use it's new
zerotier ip:
1998 = radio at,NONE

see the attached pdf file to help you install zerotier
have a look at my drop box for more things I have done.
I really like Hamvoip and appreciate all the hard work that has gone into it
and all the support from this forum.



On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 2:52 PM Richard Perks via ARM-allstar <
arm-allstar at hamvoip.org> wrote:

> Dear All
> I have linked 4 repeaters but I need to understand more about how the links
> work over the Internet because they can sometimes drop and the permanent
> link setting does not always re-establish. I have put the start up macro to
> re-establish after a near end failure or intentional Reboot and then via
> crontab -e I have set 4 reboots a day so that I have more chance of the
> links being re-established if they go down for whatever reason over the
> internet. I also have to use a hub out side of my country due to the ISP
> routers not being easy to access and port forward. I am looking into how to
> over come this so we can have a hub here in Seychelles. My questions are as
> follows;
> 1. Just to be sure - What ports and protocols are required to be forwarded
> ? 4059 222 5038 80 ?
> 2. What is the handshake protocol to keep a link established and are there
> latency limits ?
> 3. How do Private Nodes improve the reliability of a permanently linked
> repeater network ?
> 4. What are the Terms and Conditions for establishing Private Nodes ?
> 5. Any other tips please?
> 73
> Richard Perks
> Chairperson
> Seychelles Amateur Radio Association
> S79RP
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