[arm-allstar] another possibility for local TTS

Patrick Perdue borrisinabox at gmail.com
Tue May 2 04:09:38 EDT 2023


I am always looking around for local TTS options that can run on ARM, as 
I really don't like the voices from VoiceRSS. PSST, they're just renamed 
Microsoft One Core voices...

To that end, I came across an interesting project, which is a neural 
engine with a small CPU footprint, designed to run on various platforms. 
It may be worth looking into for something.


Looks like it's only built for AMD64 and ARM64, so it may not be able to 
run on a HamVoIP install, but could still be used with a HamVoIP system 
in combination with another X64 or ARM64 machine. I am doing a similar 
thing using a HamVoIP node to drive a TTS engine installed on a remote 
X64 system, which spits raw ULAW back to the HamVoIP node via stdout.



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