[arm-allstar] Audio from [USB] to be transmitted on [usb1]

Patrick Perdue borrisinabox at gmail.com
Sat Jun 24 04:30:05 EDT 2023

You have a couple of options. Neither of which are particularly great.

1. Force every script that plays a file to send the same thing to both 
nodes separately. In other words, use two asterisk rx "rpt localplay 
..." commands, one for each node stanza.

2. Use the playback command from one of the connected nodes instead of 
localplay. *NOT RECOMMENDED* if you are connected to anything outside of 
your repeaters, but then again, if you have courtesy tones on any part 
of the link already, you shouldn't connect to anything either. That will 
get you kicked from most places faster than you can say squelch.

If you must use a non-link frequency for repeater linking, is it 
possible to gate the far side repeater such that it only sends PL when 
transmissions are happening?

On 6/23/2023 10:54 AM, Josh Hatton via ARM-allstar wrote:
> Good morning,
> Linking from one repeater to another,  directly to the far side machine's
> input. Link radio receives far side repeater output.  Half duplex. Not a
> dedicated link freq. Two USB interfaces...
> How would I get all audio that's transmitted on the nearside repeater to be
> heard on link transmit, consequently be heard on the far side repeater?
> That is, any recorded audio announcements, iax phone connection
> announcements, top of our ID, etc.
> In a perfect world, such a configuration would not have the courtesy beep
> and tail... Of course we will take what we can get!
> SimpleUSB operating scenario
> Node12345 = USB stanza
> node1999 = USB1 stanza
> Tnx
> Josh W4ZZK
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