[arm-allstar] Possible alternative to the Raspberry Pi 3?

Nate Bargmann n0nb at n0nb.us
Thu Jan 5 13:42:55 EST 2023

A little bit more reading reveals that it is actually running Armbian.
I have Armbian running on an Olimex Olinuxino MICRO that serves as the
processor for my weather station.  Other than it being tailored for
hardware that Debian proper doesn't support well, it is quite familiar
to me.

I see that other other amateur radio related distributions are being
loaded onto it so it may be possible to put HamVoIP on it as well.

73, Nate

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
Web: https://www.n0nb.us
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