[arm-allstar] bounce-back from Kenwood TM-D700A

Patrick Perdue borrisinabox at gmail.com
Thu Jun 24 00:50:36 EDT 2021


I'm using a Kenwood TM-D700A primarily as a link radio to arbitrary 
frequencies in my area, at least for now. I plan to install it in 
another location eventually.

I'm using duplex=0 and linktolink=yes, and transceiving from the Kenwood 
remotely from a full duplex radio-less node, such that I don't have to 
wait for repeater hangtimes to key up and the like.

This is all working well, except for one thing.

The TM-D700A, as soon as it stops transmitting and goes back to receive, 
will quickly trigger COS. So, if I'm on a simplex frequency, or a 
repeater with a gated PL, this is sort of annoying.

Also, with linktolink=no, if I try enabling echo in SimpleUSB, it will 
pingpong to itself all night long until I turn off the radio or pull the 

I've played with positive and negative values for rxondelay, but nothing 
seems to help there.

What am I missing?

Thanks and 73


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