[arm-allstar] IAXRPT ?

Luc Drolet VE2LUQ ldrolet at cgocable.ca
Thu Dec 30 21:04:22 EST 2021

I recently installed the Hamvoip software for Rasbberry PI 2,3,4   from an Image  known as RPi2-3-4_V1.6-01_Allstar.exe  (2020/09/15).

I then did the update  as per  menu item 1 , everything went as usual and I finished the configuration of a private node like  all the others that I maintain. 

After rebooting , I used  windows program iaxrpt to gain access to this new node and  it worked after adding a line in iax.conf  under the  iaxrpt stanza   as:  requirecalltoken=no.

OK for this now it works , BUT:  since this version update  a very important feature is no longer working. This is the ability to use the iaxrpt program to send commands from the keypad  to connect or disconnect nodes or simply to ask time date or status.

In my investigation I found that  the main change between the downloaded software and the updated software , was the change from Linux 4.19.65-1-1-ARCH  to 5.4.75-1-ARCH and the  GCC version changed from 8.3.0 2019-08-9 to 10.2.0 2020-11-9.

What should we do to recover the full use of the iaxrpt windows software ?


Best regards, Serge Berube  ve2abc  

Luc Drolet VE2 LUQ

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