[arm-allstar] Choppy audio

Steve Agee irlp8720 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 18 15:13:59 EDT 2021

*I'd try running a ping test and see if there is an internet issue while 
the issue is happening. Also, over-deviated audio that clips can make 
the channel driver go into a non-linear state (for lack of a better way 
of saying it) and cause that issue. The agenda for my original question 
was that some of the hubs like 2560 on Friday nights get over 150 
connections and the Pi4b begins to run out of gas at that point. So, I 
wanted to make sure the issues you are experiencing are not on the 
"other" end of the connection. The East Coast Reflector has experienced 
similar conditions as well.

On 4/18/2021 1:44 PM, "tony dinkel via ARM-allstar" wrote:
> I think I may be having this same effect. Intermittent chopping up of the audio in short bursts, varying in duration and repetitive in occurrence. Sometimes several in a minute, sometimes only one or two every few minutes. For a while I thought it was the Pi overheating and throttling itself but I do not think that is it.
> td
> wb6mie
> ________________________________
> From: ARM-allstar <arm-allstar-bounces at hamvoip.org> on behalf of arm-allstar-request at hamvoip.org <arm-allstar-request at hamvoip.org>
> Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2021 9:00 AM
> To: arm-allstar at hamvoip.org <arm-allstar at hamvoip.org>
> Subject: ARM-allstar Digest, Vol 83, Issue 7
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> Today's Topics:
>     1. Choppy Audio - don't think it is packet loss (Keynon Lannom)
>     2. Re: Choppy Audio - don't think it is packet loss (Steve Agee)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2021 09:19:09 -0500
> From: Keynon Lannom <keynon at lannom.net>
> To: ARM Allstar <arm-allstar at hamvoip.org>
> Subject: [arm-allstar] Choppy Audio - don't think it is packet loss
> Message-ID:
>          <CADzQ-CoHBpJ-J6Xqj-HW-tD3+dgC3GnUK+Ga=h5m67i_wY-DVg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> I am having an issue at times where audio from one node gets very
> choppy...can't think of another way to describe it. I thought it was packet
> loss - but if I connect to the same node via echolink - I have clear audio.
> If I disconnect this node from the primary hub I stay connected to and
> connect to say East Coast Reflector - the audio is clear. Disconnect and
> reconnect to the hub I use to connect all my other repeaters too and it is
> choppy. I can ping from the node to the hub and have zero dropped pings.
> What is strange is I can reboot the local node and the issue goes away and
> things will be clear again for a few days/weeks and then it starts up again.
> Node is a pi4 - 2GB
> Currently it is connected wirelessly to my home WiFi - I have thought about
> hard wiring it to see if that resolves the issue...just have not got
> around to testing it.
> Local repeat, etc. all works fine. Any ideas? Would it be a good idea to
> set a scheduled reboot job on hamvoip nodes to reboot every few days?
> Thanks - Keynon
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2021 14:26:08 -0500
> From: Steve Agee <irlp8720 at yahoo.com>
> To: arm-allstar at hamvoip.org
> Subject: Re: [arm-allstar] Choppy Audio - don't think it is packet
>          loss
> Message-ID: <8a191a0d-2c06-bb9b-ad2e-01a1b02fe29d at yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> *Are you only having issues with certain hub(s) you connect to, or
> randomly everywhere you connect?
> *
> On 4/17/2021 9:19 AM, "Keynon Lannom via ARM-allstar" wrote:
>> I am having an issue at times where audio from one node gets very
>> choppy...can't think of another way to describe it. I thought it was packet
>> loss - but if I connect to the same node via echolink - I have clear audio.
>> If I disconnect this node from the primary hub I stay connected to and
>> connect to say East Coast Reflector - the audio is clear. Disconnect and
>> reconnect to the hub I use to connect all my other repeaters too and it is
>> choppy. I can ping from the node to the hub and have zero dropped pings.
>> What is strange is I can reboot the local node and the issue goes away and
>> things will be clear again for a few days/weeks and then it starts up again.
>> Node is a pi4 - 2GB
>> Currently it is connected wirelessly to my home WiFi - I have thought about
>> hard wiring it to see if that resolves the issue...just have not got
>> around to testing it.
>> Local repeat, etc. all works fine. Any ideas? Would it be a good idea to
>> set a scheduled reboot job on hamvoip nodes to reboot every few days?
>> Thanks - Keynon
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> Subject: Digest Footer
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> ------------------------------
> End of ARM-allstar Digest, Vol 83, Issue 7
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