[arm-allstar] Image issue

Don Poaps va7dgp at gmail.com
Sat Nov 21 13:01:01 EST 2020

I have been having issues in creating and running the images from Hamvoip
and AllStarLink. I tried using the Windows exe and the RPI image. I've used
Etcher, RPI Imager, and the Win32imager that's in the folder/directory
that's created when it unzips.

Is there anyone out that sells ready-made SD cards with the images. I've
sent out an email to my local Linux guru's and I have not heard back. I
don't know why I can take the Raspian Image and run it. The Hamvoip and
AllStarLink Images comes up with error 00000044 each time.
I've tried this with Kingston, Scandisk, and the Raspberry Noob SD card you
get with a starter kit.
I just don't know how to rectify this.

I have my phone coming next week and I was hoping to have the PI's ready
for use.

Any help would be appreciated


*Don Poaps*
*New Westminster, BC*

*Winlink: va7qu at winlink.org <va7qu at winlink.org>*
*Subject://wl2k           *

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