[arm-allstar] order of processing

Patrick Perdue patrick at perdue.audio
Mon Jan 20 20:35:25 EST 2020


I tried something yesterday that was a partial success.

Someone mentioned that the audio from my Wouxun HT was a little lacking 
in bottom end, even more than those usually are.

So, I logged into the node, took the PL filter away, and notched out the 
frequency of the PL tone specifically. My TX audio sounded lots 
better... but now the DTMF's just pass right through. I assume because 
the rxnotch happens after the process that detects DTMF, which is 
probably still hearing my PL tone and not detecting those frequencies.

Obviously, I went back to the standard configuration with no rxnotch and 
PL filter enabled, but it really did sound quite a lot better the other 
way, even to other HT's.

Just wondering what the order of DSP processing looks like for app.rpt.

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