[arm-allstar] AllStarLink server upgrades in progress

Nate Bargmann n0nb at n0nb.us
Wed Dec 30 09:18:02 EST 2020

Is the following going to be necessary?


The instructions are to replace allstarlink.org with pttlink.org and was
sent to that list at 0130z 30 Dec.  I saw the message linked from the
Reddit Amateur Radio group.

A look at https://www.allstarlink.org/nodelist/ shows my nodes
registered there (green band) and a look at
https://www.pttlink.org/nodelist/ shows my nodes not registered there
(obviously since I've not changed anything).

However, https://www.pttlink.org mian page has a copy of the above
instructions on its main page, otherwise, besides a different color
scheme, it appears to be a clone, so I'm not sure what's going on.  The
registered node links on both point to the same AllStar stats server
which is still down as things are moved.

Unfortunately, other than this message to a supposedly superseded
mailing list, there is nothing about a need to change registration
servers on the allstarlink main page nor on their discourse site.
Looking up the other local AllStar nodes on the allstarlink site shows
them to be registered so I'm inclined to leave things well enough alone.

73, Nate, N0NB


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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