[arm-allstar] IRLP Questions

George nj3h at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 8 13:46:20 EST 2019

Greetings all, 
I just need a confirmation about something.
I was looking at the requirements to connect to the east coast irlp reflector. One requirement is that NO announcements from the user's node go out through the reflector.
I know there are entries that can be made allow or not allow this to happen. Where does one check to make sure this doesn't happen?  
Which file has the settings for this topic?
The east coast IRLP reflector rules state that one must connect via RF as part of the connection. So of course for me this would be the connection to the rpi. Understand that. Other than not being 'honest' how would anyone know you didn't use DVS Switch to connect? I plan to do it right but am just curoius. 

Hopefully the Allstar received my recent donation. Please let me know if it didn't come through. The HamVoip team does a fantastic job keeping the systems running, updated, and new innovations. Thank you! 
George, NJ3H
Redmond, Oregon USA 
DMR Node: 3141315
Allstar Node: 49246
Echolink Node NJ3H-L: 3135
IRLP Node: 3659

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