[arm-allstar] TXONDELAY needed

Roger Coudé ve2dbe at yahoo.ca
Mon Feb 11 11:50:08 EST 2019

Yes, I know about the timeout issue and the modification has no effect here.
What I observe is different:
The Tx/Bsy does not light when that problem occurs.
And it is not related to transmit time.
My model is de HLN5173B
I just old the ptt of the microphone and release it a fraction of second.
Just after, transmit light goes off, there is no output on the exicter, and no RF at the antenna while the ptt remains pressed.
It remains like that until I release the ptt for good.
When I connect the Raspberry PI, the activity causes a glitch once in a while, and the radio cease to transmit.
If I increase the squelch tail delay, the problem is even worse because the release of ptt will take longer or just dont happens before someone else talks, keeping the radio in erronous state.
I am running out of GM300 VHF, and have a dozen of those Maxtrac I was hoping to use for short range repeaters.


Did you do the rf power modification on the Maxtrac that eliminates
the rf power being controlled by the radio microprocessor?

Unlike the GM300, the Maxtrac will drop power according to PTT
time.  It has nothing to do with temperature. This is controlled by
the Maxtrac microprocessor, and must be eliminated for a long
PTT duty cycles.


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