[arm-allstar] Remote NODE

Luc Drolet VE2LUQ ldrolet at cgocable.ca
Mon Feb 4 19:47:42 EST 2019

Hello to you,

Is it possible to make remote NODE, I explain

I have my main node 1400 that it all the info from the external repeaters are in its RPT. conf of node 1400

So if I'm on one of its nodes is it possible to make a connection to other repeaters, for example connection to node 1800 and that the info of node 1800 is only in the RPT. conf of 1400 and I am on a node that is already in connection with the node 1400 by Example NODE 1410 and I want to connect 1800

If I would be on the node 1400 I would * 31800 but because I am on node 1410 I can not do this with my microphone in DTMF

Is there a solution?

Thank you and good evening


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