[arm-allstar] WiFi RPI3BP problem

zvi.serlin at gmail.com zvi.serlin at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 05:19:08 EST 2018


A major problem with sea air and humidity lead to the demise of a 10A power module (copper track dissolved) and
failure of the USB ports on my RPI. Eventually the PSU was repaired and a RPI3BP (PI3 Mod B) arrived, I plugged in my original
SD card and proceeded to check connections. Wired worked fine, wifi did not, so burned a new SD card and started again with
the same results. My first assumption was that I had received a faulty RPI so I inserted an SD card for a KODI streamer and tried again.
This time the wifi connection worked perfectly and I was able to watch streamed video. So I know the wifi port works.

Setting up the RPI again for Allstar ipconfig shows that wlan0 has picked up an ip address and scanning the router ports showed
that the ip was there as well. In the meantime I am running allstar on an older RPI32 which works fine. Any ideas as to the
possible cause of the problem?

Many thanks

Zvi Serlin

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