[arm-allstar] Audio EQ Test File

Randy Neals randy at neals.ca
Mon Aug 13 14:02:06 EDT 2018

Question: Do we know what digital audio level in a playback file is
intended to produce 3khz deviation with 1khz tone on allstar?

We're aiming to have higher quality audio on a repeater.
We would like to validate the transmitter audio equalization /
pre-emphasis, ensuring our audio from flat digital in Allstar is being
modulated with correct emphasis.

Was planning on building an audio test file which when played back:
1. Plays 1000Hz tone, allowing validation that the transmitter deviation is
60% / 3KHz.
2. Sweeps/Steps through the audio range with tones at 200Hz, 300 Hz, 400 Hz
and so on up to 3300 Hz. (2 or 3 seconds per tone)
3. We measure the transmitter deviation on a service monitor.
4. Plot the audio response in a spreadsheet, against the 6dB per octave

Perhaps someone has already done this?
I'm guessing that the recent work on audio filtering involved some testing
like this...

Randy W3RWN

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