[arm-allstar] out/in connection problem after update

mrnet mrnet at ix.netcom.com
Sun Aug 12 21:35:46 EDT 2018

A new problem. After getting the latest update and having the BataDNS loaded
I find I can not connect to any of my nodes and a recently built a third
node with the same build 45697, 48170, 42216. All nodes are on different
networks. Below is the AST Log.  I get the same response in any direction. I
can how ever connect to nodes out in the wild such as 45830 and 45479, I
suspect they have not updated there image recently.  I don't have any idea
what the slow response is caused by, I have rebooted  every thing I have
checked all of the modified code ( BetaDNS) . supermon load across the
board. Etc. 45697 and 48170 were working before the latest update. All of
the DNS look ups in the docs are working.


Any Ideas,

Thanks in advanced





    -- <DAHDI/pseudo-1423563495> Playing 'rpt/connection_failed' (language


[Aug 12 18:11:18] NOTICE[336] chan_iax2.c: Auto-congesting call due to slow



CLI readout from 48170


from node 48170 to node 45697



Connected to Asterisk 1.4.23-pre.hamvoip-V1.5.3-38-app_rpt-0.327-08/08/2018
currently running on NAZ-BW-HUB (pid = 319)

Verbosity was 3 and is now 4

  == Manager 'admin' logged on from

  == Manager 'admin' logged off from

    -- Hungup 'DAHDI/pseudo-1308875839'

[Aug 12 18:11:18] NOTICE[336]: chan_iax2.c:4097 __auto_congest:
Auto-congesting call due to slow response

    -- Hungup 'IAX2/'

    -- Hungup 'DAHDI/pseudo-796202681'

    -- <DAHDI/pseudo-1423563495> Playing 'rpt/node' (language 'en')

    -- <DAHDI/pseudo-1423563495> Playing 'digits/4' (language 'en')

    -- <DAHDI/pseudo-1423563495> Playing 'digits/5' (language 'en')

    -- <DAHDI/pseudo-1423563495> Playing 'digits/6' (language 'en')

    -- <DAHDI/pseudo-1423563495> Playing 'digits/9' (language 'en')

    -- <DAHDI/pseudo-1423563495> Playing 'digits/7' (language 'en')

    -- <DAHDI/pseudo-1423563495> Playing 'rpt/connection_failed' (language

    -- Hungup 'DAHDI/pseudo-1423563495'






AST log 48170


File: /var/log/asterisk/messages


[Aug 12 18:04:46] NOTICE[319] dnsmgr.c: Managed DNS entries will be
refreshed every 300 seconds.

[Aug 12 18:04:46] NOTICE[319] cdr.c: CDR simple logging enabled.

[Aug 12 18:04:46] NOTICE[319] loader.c: 119 modules will be loaded.

[Aug 12 18:04:46] ERROR[319] codec_dahdi.c: Failed to open
/dev/dahdi/transcode: No such file or directory

[Aug 12 18:04:46] ERROR[319] chan_voter.c: Unable to load config voter.conf

[Aug 12 18:04:46] NOTICE[319] chan_irlp.c: Unable to load config irlp.conf

[Aug 12 18:04:46] WARNING[319] cdr_odbc.c: cdr_odbc: Unable to load config
for ODBC CDR's: cdr_odbc.conf

[Aug 12 18:04:46] NOTICE[319] pbx_ael.c: Starting AEL load process.

[Aug 12 18:04:46] NOTICE[319] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: calculated config
file name '/usr/local/hamvoip-asterisk/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'.

[Aug 12 18:04:46] NOTICE[319] pbx_ael.c: File
/usr/local/hamvoip-asterisk/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael not found; AEL
declining load

[Aug 12 18:04:46] NOTICE[319] chan_usbradio.c: Unable to load config

[Aug 12 18:04:46] NOTICE[319] chan_pi.c: Unable to load config pi.conf

[Aug 12 18:04:47] WARNING[319] pbx_spool.c: Unable to create queue directory
/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing -- outgoing spool disabled

[Aug 12 18:04:48] NOTICE[333] app_rpt.c: Normal Repeater Init  48170    

[Aug 12 18:04:48] NOTICE[333] app_rpt.c: Normal Repeater Init  1999    

[Aug 12 18:06:17] ERROR[348] chan_echolink.c: connect() failed to connect to
the Echolink server server5.echolink.org

[Aug 12 18:06:50] NOTICE[343] chan_iax2.c: Auto-congesting call due to slow

[Aug 12 18:11:18] NOTICE[336] chan_iax2.c: Auto-congesting call due to slow



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