[arm-allstar] Playnews-0.11

Lloyd Duck lduck at me.com
Sun Apr 29 21:26:25 EST 2018

Doug or anyone,

I'm having trouble playing Amateur Radio Newsline by using dtmf, it never starts playing.

976=cmd,/etc/asterisk/local/playnews-0.11 ARN now 42449 G &> /dev/null 2>&1  ;Newsline *976

I've been able to run it using crontab and from the command line with ./playnews_0.11 ARN now 42449.

With the command line has a part where the script stop till you "press any key to start news".


echo "$NEWSTYPE news will start $TIME and use $MODE $MODETYPE mode on node - $NODE"
echo -n "Press any key to start news..."
read -n 1 


Do I need to make a change to the script so I can use dtmf to start it?


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