[arm-allstar] Bootstrap script

Doug Crompton wa3dsp at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 13:23:36 EST 2017


 Have not looked at it yet but it sounds like it would be useful.
Eventually we are moving to a database config system for Allstar and that
will make things easier.

We are about to come out with a fairly significant update so after that
settles down we can look at the possibility of integrating your work. Again
thanks for the effort. It is always appreciated.

*73 Doug*


*http://www.crompton.com/hamradio <http://www.crompton.com/hamradio>*

On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 2:00 PM, "Richard Bateman via arm-allstar" <
arm-allstar at hamvoip.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just thought I'd share a utility that I made this week; I and one or
> two others here in Utah County have been tinkering with a bunch of
> different configurations on several repeaters and found it a little
> tedious to go through and configure each raspberry pi one at a time,
> so I created a "bootstrap" script.
> The project is here: https://github.com/taxilian/allstar_bootstrap
> I'd love to see it integrated in with the trunk, but it doesn't have
> to be to be useful; however, you do have to have it built into your
> image to work properly.
> In essence, on bootup (and before the network is started) it checks
> the SD card's "boot" partition (which is the one you can access from a
> windows or mac machine) and if it finds bootstrap config files it will
> apply them before startup.
> You can set up the files and copy them on before you start up the pi
> for the first time. You can use it to:
> * Preconfigure your network
> * Set your hostname
> * Configure the timezone
> * Set up your asterisk and simpleusb configuration
> * Copy arbitrary files to arbitrary locations on the pi
> * Configure arbitrary files from arbitrary variables to arbitrary
> outputs on the pi
> It's pretty flexible.  I've tried wherever possible to keep it
> compatible with the built-in tools in the image (the firsttime scripts
> and node-config) but since node-config can't be called in a
> non-interactive way (passing in variables for configuration) I had to
> copy some of it to make it work. I'd love to update the core scripts
> so that this one can use those and make sure there is zero conflict
> between the two configuration methods.
> Anyway, hope that's useful to someone. I'm perfectly willing to help
> with adaptations if someone wants to integrate it more completely into
> the core image. In the mean time, the github project I linked above is
> a mostly-unmodified copy of the currently posted image with the
> bootstrap script added, in case anyone wants to play with it.
> 73,
> Richard
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