[arm-allstar] OpenVPN pfSense Server Config

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Wed Sep 6 14:56:07 EST 2017

Hi Chris,

OpenVPN on the hamvoip image definitely works, I'm running it everywhere 
and dozens of RPi3 boards and hundreds of routers.

If you can send me OpenVPN log files (and config files, if possible) from
the pfsense router and the RPi3, I'll try to help debug what's happening.  
OpenVPN has several different operational modes,  many different 
ciphers, data compression, use of different ports and either TCP 
or UDP transport available....It's very powerful and capable!

Once you get one setup working, it's pretty easy to then duplicate it for 
additional installs.

73, David KB4FXC

On Wed, 6 Sep 2017, "Chris Guth via arm-allstar" wrote:

> I am trying to configure all my private nodes (5) connect over a vpn to my
> OpenVPN pfSense Server.
> I cannot seem to get the clients and server to connect. I tried setting up
> the sever as Peer to Peer Shared Key but not sure if that is the correct
> type.
> I have created some vpn servers in the past but I am far from an expert
> with them.
> All nodes are on Pi3's
> I am getting an
> Sep 6 12:14:33 openvpn 31490 Authenticate/Decrypt packet error: cipher
> final failed
> I did try different Encryption Algorithm's with no luck.
> Anyone have some guidance?
> Thank You,
> Chris Guth
> WQWI942
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