[arm-allstar] Allmon

ken at mirlaw.co.uk ken at mirlaw.co.uk
Mon May 1 13:41:26 EST 2017

Hi Both,

Here is a copy of my Allmon.ini and manager files.
As far as I can see they are the same as your files, I just have one node


; AMI - The Asterisk Manager Interface
; Third party application call management support and PBX event supervision
; This configuration file is read every time someone logs in
; Use the "manager list commands" at the CLI to list available manager
; and their authorization levels.
; "manager show command <command>" will show a help text.
; ---------------------------- SECURITY NOTE -------------------------------
; Note that you should not enable the AMI on a public IP address. If needed,
; block this TCP port with iptables (or another FW software) and reach it
; with IPsec, SSH, or SSL vpn tunnel.  You can also make the manager
; interface available over http if Asterisk's http server is enabled in
; http.conf and if both "enabled" and "webenabled" are set to yes in
; this file.  Both default to no.  httptimeout provides the maximum
; timeout in seconds before a web based session is discarded.  The
; default is 60 seconds.
displaysystemname = yes
enabled = yes
;webenabled = yes
port = 5038

;httptimeout = 60
; a) httptimeout sets the Max-Age of the http cookie
; b) httptimeout is the amount of time the webserver waits
;    on a action=waitevent request (actually its httptimeout-10)
; c) httptimeout is also the amount of time the webserver keeps
;    a http session alive after completing a successful action

bindaddr =   ; Local interface only!
;bindaddr =    ; Not secure
;displayconnects = yes
; Add a Unix epoch timestamp to events (not action responses)
;timestampevents = yes

secret =xxxxxx
read = all,system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config
write = all,system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config

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