[arm-allstar] Static burst

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Mon Jan 18 21:59:35 EST 2016

Hi Levi,

I can think of a couple possible issues and solutions.

First, on the old Limey installation, I expect it was using the usbradio
driver? If so, there may have been a parameter rxsquelchdelay=<some number
of milliseconds> set. If so, this parameter added a audio delay which
allowed the squelch tail be be chopped off by the software.  The hamvoip
simpleusb driver implements a similar parameter: rxaudiodelay=<count of
20ms samples to delay>.  Here is an example of how these parameters

; Delay for 120ms in active usbradio.conf stanza:

; Delay for 120ms in active simpleusb.conf stanza:

Second, the squelch tail may have been there all the time, but is now more 
noticeable due to the variable audio delay issue that has been mentioned 
in this list before. If you would like to be a beta tester, I can supply a 
test driver to resolve the audio delay.

Also, listening to your sound sample, you may need to set deemphasis=yes
in your simpleusb.conf stanza; the audio sounds a little "tinny" to me---I
don't know for sure, I don't know how you recorded the audio.

73, David KB4FXC

On Mon, 18 Jan 2016, Levi C. Maaia wrote:

> Long-time reader, first time poster (I think).
> I helped a friend of mine get his AllStar node  migrated over from an 
old Limey Linux box to an RPi2 today.  Everything is up and running but 
the squelch seems odd.  I could swear that the same repeater hardware 
using Limey Linux didn’t do that static burst after the voice but 
before the courtesy tone. Here is a recording of a local signal though 
the repeater: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xxgavhyqh4wohmb/kj6mid.wav?dl=0
> Does anyone know what I might change (if anything) in the configs to 
eliminate/reduce that?  
> Levi, K6LCM

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