[arm-allstar] minicom and Rpi2

ku6v ku6v at pacbell.net
Fri Feb 19 13:32:31 EST 2016

One thing to note is I had to use the config commands from command line to
build a working "config file". 

echo "pu port             /dev/ttyUSB0" > /root/.minirc.rlc4

echo "pu baudrate         9600" >> /root/.minirc.rlc4

echo "pu bits             8" >> /root/.minirc.rlc4

echo "pu parity           N" >> /root/.minirc.rlc4

echo "pu stopbits         1" >> /root/.minirc.rlc4

echo "pu minit" >> /root/.minirc.rlc4

echo "pu mreset" >> /root/.minirc.rlc4

echo "pu mhangup" >> /root/.minirc.rlc4

echo "pu rtscts           No" >> /root/.minirc.rlc4

echo "pu xonxoff          No" >> /root/.minirc.rlc4

I could not get it to work if I started minicom and attempted to change
parameters there within minicom.


73 and thanks again




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