[arm-allstar] saypublicip.sh Not Working

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Mon Aug 29 11:03:54 EST 2016

Hi John,

The saypublicip.sh script in V1.02 uses a web server that has become 
overloaded and unresponsive, most of the time, unfortunately.

Here is a new script that should work. This new version is included in our 
recent V1.5 alpha, which is soon to be released.

# updated to use hamvoip.org for search - WA3DSP 8/2016

if [ -z "$1" ]
    echo "No node number supplied - saypublicip.sh <node> "
    exit 1

ip=`curl -s http://myip.hamvoip.org/ 2>&1`

cat /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/letters/i.gsm /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/letters/p.gsm /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/address.gsm > /tmp/ip.gsm

asterisk -rx "rpt localplay $1 /tmp/ip"
sleep 1
/usr/local/sbin/speaktext.sh $ip $1

rm /tmp/ip.gsm

73, David KB4FXC

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