[arm-allstar] Picket fencing

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Thu Sep 17 22:19:15 EST 2015


Since I run CTCSS tone on all my receivers, I don't see this issue.

There is an anti-kerchunk filter in AllStar and picket fencing -might-
activate it (I don't know for sure--I haven't tried experimenting with
carrier squelch in a while). Have you adjusted the rxondelay parameter?  
As I recall, that adjusts the "anti-kerchunk"  filter in the channel
driver.  Perhaps try setting rxondelay=0, if it is set to a higher value.

73, David KB4FXC

On Thu, 17 Sep 2015, Robert Newberry wrote:

> I have a node that it's not possible to have internet at the site so I use
> a link radio. I noticed that when a user is picket fencing on a remote
> repeater it seems that if the timing is just right my DMK URI will not
> always pick the audio back up causing me to miss part of what is being
> said. This is only a fraction of a second but when conditions are right it
> can be a problem.
> Does anyone know of a hold in time when a URI is in RX. It seems if the URI
> is hit too many time too fast in rapid fire succession it doesn't like it.
> Maybe it's my COR circuit on my midland and this has nothing to do with
> with the BBB or the URI...?
> Apparare Scientor
> Paratus Communicare
> Allstar Node # 27086, 41540, 41812, 42086

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