[arm-allstar] usbradio audio

Steve Wright stevewrightnz at gmail.com
Sun Sep 6 15:19:45 EST 2015

On 07/09/15 00:41, Doug Crompton <doug at crompton.com>
> [....] We are working on a complete rewrite of the channel driver which should fix things but that is not happening real soon.  Most find they can happily live with simpleusb. Both pre and deemphasis as well as squelch tail delay have been added at least to the v1.0 RPI2 version. If you can do PL external there is not much else you really need.

I worry mostly about the hardware squelch.  I read somewhere the DSP was
very good, and worst-case, there was just a config to edit.  Climbing a
mountain to fiddle the squelch does not appeal.  ;)


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