[arm-allstar] Auto conjest

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Fri May 29 20:56:57 EST 2015

Yes, I fully agree with Tim. Lots of possible problems.  

At BOTH ends check for registration -

asterisk -rvvv

iax2 show registry

Another thing to check at BOTH ends....

grep <node> /tmp/rpt_extnodes

Where <node> is just the node number. It should return this:

[root at wa3dsp-40961-cm ~]# grep 27225 /tmp/rpt_extnodes
27225=radio at,

Showing the IP address and port of the requested node.

Obviously you would do this at both locations for the opposing node. If one or the other end does not show a listing then it isn't going to connect. Both nodes need to know routing information for the other.

Also if you have changed the port from the default 4569 in iax.conf you MUST change the port at allstarlink.org for that server also to match and of course the port forwarding in your router to match.

73 Doug

From: tim.sawyer at mac.com
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 17:53:24 -0700
To: arm-allstar at hamvoip.org; N1XBM at amsat.org
Subject: Re: [arm-allstar] Auto conjest

That message is somewhat misleading. It could have nothing to do with slowness or congestion. In our little world of app_rpt it generally means one end or the other isn’t setup properly. Things to check:
- Make sure the port in iax.conf is set up properly on both ends. - Check the port forwarding on the inbound node’s router. - Check if the firewall is off on the inbound node’s server. - Make sure the correct port (matches iax) is set on the servers in the AllStar Portal.- Make sure both nodes are registered with the proper port. - Make sure extensions.conf has the node setting correct. 
Elaboration could be helpful on each of those points, but I leave it to the reader to post further queries as needed. 


On May 29, 2015, at 3:06 PM, Robert Newberry <N1XBM at amsat.org> wrote:What does it mean when I try to connect to a node and it says auto conjesting call dues to slow response. This is on a BBB node.N1XBM

Apparare Scientor

Paratus Communicare

Allstar Node # 27086, 41540, 41812


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