[arm-allstar] asterisk command syntax question

Neil k8it k8it at cac.net
Sun May 17 15:09:47 EST 2015

why does the command in the asterisk client work but not the linux commmand?

This works:

CLI> rpt localplay 41838 /etc/asterisk/local/testk8it

This does not work:

asterisk -rx "rpt localplay 41838 /etc/asterisk/local/testk8it"

[root at kitlink /]# cd /
[root at kitlink /]# asterisk -rx "rpt localplay 41838 /etc/asterisk/local/testk8it"
No such command '"rpt' (type 'help "rpt' for other possible commands)
[root at kitlink /]#

thanks 73 k8it  Neil
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