[arm-allstar] Setting up allstar node on linux server

Steve Zingman szingman at msgstor.com
Mon Jul 13 14:32:31 EST 2015

What I have is not a how to, but I have scripts to install AllStar 
Asterisk on a fresh install of Debian
The scripts will install AllStar Asterisk from the SVN. Once complete, 
you will have a ready to go Server.

There is no fluff, no scripts to hold you hand, just what you need to 
get a solid up and running server.
There are scripts for the RPi1, RPi2, BBB, APC VIA and others. The 
script for Linode will install nicely on a X86 or X64.
See <https://github.com/N4IRS/AllStar>

73, Steve N4IRS

"Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about."
1st Law of Logic

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