[arm-allstar] Unable to connect to my own nodes

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Wed Jan 21 19:02:23 EST 2015


 I think it looks like you are doing the right thing. You DO need to put the port in the node statement if it is not 4569. You can also include it if it is 4569 optionally.

Can you ping each node from all the others using the local IP address? Go over it again and make sure you have the right IP's and ports defining each node.

Each node would have a node stanza defining itself  and each other local node 192.168.x.x:port

I am assuming the nodes that are not 4569 have the port set in iax.conf and also at allstarlink.org.
73 Doug

Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 17:44:39 -0500
From: w2ymm1 at gmail.com
To: arm-allstar at hamvoip.org
Subject: [arm-allstar] Unable to connect to my own nodes

Here is my call for help.

I now have 3 BeagleBone Black computers at my home.
Each one on a different server port.  
1-28183 Server port 4569
2-29973 Server port 4567 (Not on at the moment)
3-40822 Server port 4568

All work fine individually.  

But, When I try to connect 1 of them to the other I get a 
"Connection Failed Announcement"
I've tried 2 different of configurations in my [nodes] section of rpt.conf
I've made the same changes on all nodes.
example I have tried are :
on node 28183
28183 = radio at,NONE    ;THIS NODE 28183
29973 = radio at,NONE ;test NODE
40822 = radio at,NONE ; UHF NODE 40822

and on node 40822
28183 = radio at,NONE ;900 node 28183
29973 = radio at,NONE ;test NODE
40822 = radio at,NONE    ; UHF NODE 40822

and with the :server port Number defined

28183 = radio at,NONE    ;THIS NODE 28183
29973 = radio at,NONE ;test NODE
40822 = radio at,NONE ; UHF NODE 40822

28183 = radio at,NONE ;900 node 28183
29973 = radio at,NONE ;test NODE
40822 = radio at,NONE    ; UHF NODE 40822

asterisk -r 
rpt fun 28183 *340822
bbb-28183*CLI> rpt fun 28183 *340822
    -- Hungup 'DAHDI/pseudo-152593722'
[Jan 21 17:25:44] NOTICE[1206]: chan_iax2.c:4087 __auto_congest: Auto-congesting    call due to slow response
    -- Hungup 'IAX2/'
    -- Hungup 'DAHDI/pseudo-251895737'

Is there something I am missing ?
I've restarted asterisk, I've rebooted the BBB. Not sure what else to do at this point and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Bob P W2YMM
Robert Prybyzerski Jr


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