[arm-allstar] DRA818V VHF Band Voice Transceiver Module

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Wed Nov 26 23:47:24 EST 2014


 I did some research and Chris and I discussed this last night. If you are buying you should try to get the SA818 module. It is mostly the same but has eeprom backup. You can program it once and it will boot that way each time. It also appears to have relaxed power requirements allowing 5V operation and probably TTL 5V serial levels.

I ordered a lot of 4 that I am going to share with Chris which comes to about $10 each for a 1W frequency agile 440 transceiver with full PL capability. Here is the link:


There is probably a VHF model also but I did not look for it.

73 Doug

From: ssedgwick at suddenlink.net
To: arm-allstar at hamvoip.org
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 22:12:06 -0600
Subject: [arm-allstar] DRA818V VHF Band Voice Transceiver Module

Hi Chris,
Thanks for the reply, nice work, it looks like you are working on exactly 
what I would like to do.  I’ll order up a couple modules and see how it 
Happy Thanksgiving,


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