[arm-allstar] YET, YET, Another Cheap USB FOB Mod

Geoff ars.w5omr at gmail.com
Sun Nov 23 00:00:50 EST 2014

>  You seem to have become aggravated by me pointing out the technical
> issues with some of the articles and other devices out there.  It was
> never my intention to make anyone mad, but rather to point out facts
> which relate to the subject.  I'll go away now.

Personally, I wish you wouldn't, Kevin.

I, speaking for myself, enjoyed reading the technical aspects of putting
a 'quality' signal on the air, and taking the personal responsibility
for doing so.

It is to that end, that I've seriously thought about going the route of
an RHC4 controller, using it for the repeater as well as providing
egress for a device such as the BBB.  I have purchased a BBB, have a DMK
URI for it, and fully intend to connect it to an ALINCO DR-235.  It's my
intention of mirroring this installation at a remote site and using the
other DR-235 in the same manner to provide a simplex RF link between two
repeater sites should something happen to the internet connection at
either end.  Link reliability being the main focus, and the net gain,
when internet connectivity isn't a concern, is that there are two more
nodes in the network to connect to.

With this in mind, reading your technical descriptions and concerns
about COS, Audio filtering and shaping got me to re-think the
connections from the URI to the DR-235's.  Do you see a concern in using
the DB-9 connection (data) on the back of the Alinco DR-235 MK II?  Are
there any special considerations that should be taken into effect?

73 = Best Regards,

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