[Arm-allstar-irlp] Internet & astdb.txt question

Jesse Royall w5los at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 9 08:00:35 EDT 2019

I’ve noticed with the latest update. I’ve got a broken Ethernet cable clip and when it came unplugged my allstar node wouldn’t respond until I plugged it back in. I thought I had a bad sd card and was fixing to reimagine it when i plugged it back into the Ethernet cord and then after a few mins, my node came back and started acting like a controller again.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 9, 2019, at 2:42 AM, David McGough via ARM-allstar-irlp <arm-allstar-irlp at hamvoip.org> wrote:
> Hi Lawrence,
> Interesting. I'll investigate this connectivity scenario.  All my (RPi3B) 
> boards are connected to the network via WiFi and have static IP addresses, 
> with a OpenVPN tunnel to a central hub.  I've had cases where the AP that 
> the RPi boards link to go down and cases where upstream connectivity went 
> down---no odd behavior in either case.
> 73, David KB4FXC
>> On Sun, 8 Sep 2019, Lawrence Roney wrote:
>> For what it's worth.
>> I experienced the same "repeater goes to sleep" issue a few weeks back when one of the mountaintops lost connectivity.  The physical ethernet link on the Pi would have remained up since it is plugged into a switch, but there was no connection to the Internet further downstream.
>> My Pi has a static IP address if that lends any insight.  Also, the mountaintop Pi would have been a permalink *73xxxxx connection to a central Pi down in the valley acting as a hub.   The repeater "woke back up" as soon as Internet was restored.
>> I have not had a chance to test with another Pi on the bench.  Most of my bench units are DHCP.
>> Thanks,
>> Lawrence
>> N6YFN
>> Henderson Amateur Radio Club - w7hen.com
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