[Arm-allstar-irlp] Still can't get IRLp to work with hamvoip version of allstar

Glenn Maclean wa7spy at att.net
Sun May 26 23:37:23 EDT 2019

I am making progress getting IRLP to work, The PGP keys now pass. I took one of my other IRLP Nodes (Node 3860)and put the information on the AllStar Raspberry Pi. There are two issues from the trouble shooting script now 

I am using the image file from hamvoip RPi2-3_V1.5rc50_Allstar.img

1.I am getting outbound port fail on the following ports: 873,8873,10000,15425,15426,15427

2. Your node’s hostname DOES NOT resolve

The raspberryPi is in the DMZplus zone all ports are open.

The old IRLP node which is also a RaspberryPi using the same router and putting the IP address in the DMZplus on my ATT Uverse Router passes all tests just fine!


# /etc/hosts: static lookup table for host names

#<ip-address>   <hostname.domain.org>   <hostname>       localhost.localdomain   localhost       config.allstarlink.org       stn3860       raspberrypi
::1             localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1         ip6-allnodes
ff02::2         ip6-allrouters
# End of file

Lgged in as repeater pep -kv stn3860 works!

The new node information I am using is Node Number 3860 under my call WA7SPY

So where do I go to fix the node’s host name DOES NOT resolve?

What do I need to do to get the ports to forward and very sure it is not the router?

The environment file is correct my call in lower case 
The /etc/asterisk/irlp.conf is also correct per the hamvoip instructions.
Thank you,
Glenn Maclean WA7SPY

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