[Arm-allstar-irlp] Cant get IRLP to work

Glenn Maclean wa7spy at att.net
Sat May 25 18:18:38 EDT 2019

* Port Forwarding Test *

Performing INBOUND Port Forwarding Test
Starting listening services on UDP ports .... done.
Detecting Incoming IP =
Testing TCP and UDP ports .. done.

TEST No. 2a REPORT - TCP PASS - TCP port 15425 is forwarded correctly.
Performing OUTBOUND Port Test
Testing OUTBOUND TCP and UDP ports ........................... done.

TEST No. 3 REPORT - ERROR - The following ports do NOT work OUTBOUND:
873 8873 10000 15425 15426 15427

Press ENTER to continue : 

* Host Name Resolution Test *

Your node's hostname is set to "W6YDD"
Testing if your hostname resolves... done.

TEST No. 4 REPORT - ERROR - Your node's hostname DOES NOT resolve!
Please consult the troubleshooting information on how to fix this problem.

Press ENTER to continue : 

* PGP Key Test *

Updating pgp keyring... done.
TEST No. 5 REPORT - ERROR - Your public PGP key does not exist in the keyring.

TEST No. 6 REPORT - PASS - Your secret keyring only contains one secret 
                           PGP key.

TEST No. 7 REPORT - ERROR - Your PGP key does NOT match your stationid in the 
                      environment file. Please check the troubleshooting 
		      documents on how to solve this problem.

TEST No. 8 REPORT - PASS - Test is no longer required.

Press ENTER to continue : 
I am still continuing to have issues getting IRLp to work. My node number is 3880 under the call of W6YDD my personal call is WA7SPY. My environment file looks correct lower case letters for the node call sign w6ydd and stn3880. Here is a copy of my hosts file:
# /etc/hosts: static lookup table for hosts names

#<ip-address>  <hostname.domain.org>   <hostname>    localhost    localhost.localdomain localhost    config.allstarlink.org   stn3880 localhost.localdomain localhost 
#::1         localhost.localdomain  localhost

# End of file

I would appreciate help! The IRLP Node status page shows Node 3880 under W6YDD being idle.

Thank you,
Glenn Maclean WA7SPY

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