[Arm-allstar-irlp] Another node migrated

Doug Crompton wa3dsp at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 00:15:15 EST 2018


 Congratulations, I am glad it is working well for you. Dave spent many
hours getting that right as the original code had many flaws.

*73 Doug*


*http://www.crompton.com/hamradio <http://www.crompton.com/hamradio>*

On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 7:28 PM, David Andreatta <dandreat0 at yahoo.com>

> Howdy, all;     (Trying again. This time using plain text...)
> I'm happy to report another node successfully migrated. I am not one of
> the original ALS - IRLP gateway operators. Instead, I built a portable
> rPi UHF simplex node around a year ago which included the modified IRLP
> interface board and a URIx.
> I have ham friends who travel and I wanted to provide a link home for
> these folks from various remote locations. I occasionally travel to a
> rural area myself with cellular internet, but few repeaters, and wanted
> to be able to link back into my usual friends and nets while traveling.
> (For example, I checked into a Denver net from my hotel in Dayton last
> year...)
> For all the time I've operated it, I've changed between linking
> protocols using the time honored process of shutdown - swap SD cards -
> and boot to change between AllStar / EchoLink and IRLP / EchoIRLP.
> Though the node was running AllStar most of the time, it was getting a
> bit tedious to keep up with updates, tweaks, and backups on both
> platforms and, especially, manage the scheduling of having the node
> operating on the requested linking system when a friend needed access
> while on a trip.
> So, for perhaps a different set of reasons than most, I'm overjoyed to
> have it all working together! My sincere thanks goes out to David, Doug,
> and the beta testers who contributed to this all working together again,
> and for all the other things which have been coming to the hamvoip
> distribution! Nice job, folks!
> Thanks, and 73,
> Dave Andreatta
> Erie, CO
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