[arm-allstar] AllStar Hostname

K0LNY ?? glenn at ervin.email
Mon Feb 26 18:55:01 EST 2024

Hello Group,
I wrote my image and have my raspberry pi wired to my router.
I want to locate it on my network, but I don't find it in my router list, but sometimes not all the devices on the network show up.
I can usually find such things with the windows command:
nslookup hostname
where hostname is the host name of the device.
For example, my pi-star can be found with
nslookup pi-star
But I don't know what the default host name of the allstar boots up with.
Can anyone tell me what the default host name is of the allstar OS?


A man with a clock always knows what time it is.
A man with two clocks is never sure.
-- A derivative of Segal's law

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