[arm-allstar] Arch Linux Partition Size, Need to Increaas in ReInstall

Jeffrey Messikian c172jeff at comcast.net
Mon Feb 19 10:05:04 EST 2024


  On my Raspberry Pi4, 8G unit, I burned the 1.7 HAMVOIP Image.

  This Raspberry Pi has a Touch Screen display and can run more software
than is in the initial HamVoip Arch image.

  For instance, I wish to install DVSwitch, the drivers for my display,
libcamera, a browser, etc etc 


  My root partition is about 3.6G and is too full to install firefox.


  What is the easiest way to expand the  partition? Or, after another
install/flash, how can I give the root partition the full space of the sd


I have 1.7 installed on a 16G card.  Why would only 3.6G be allocated
instead of the whole 16G?  I thought that for wear levelling of sd cards,
you would want the full partition allocated.  What benefit does leaving most
space free have on the 1.7 image install have?


Really just need to increase my root size at the moment..







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