[arm-allstar] AUTOSKY Alert Levels

Steve Mahler kizzy at lusfiber.net
Tue Apr 23 08:07:28 EDT 2024


I am the author of AutoSkyWarn (modified by HamVOIP to AutoSky). The 
software is no longer distributed.  I use SkyWarnPlus on a HSR hotspot. 
It works well.

I would remove AutoSky from the hotspot and replace it with SkyWarnPlus.

...STeve - KF5VH

On 4/21/2024 10:04 AM, Darrell Black via ARM-allstar wrote:
> Is there a full manual on autosky? I could not find much more than "how to
> install" documents.
> I am looking to disable unwanted alert levels. I know there is a branch to
> autosky called autoskyplus that has this feature but it appears to be
> written by a different group. What can be done with the original?

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